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Mga Pusang Gala (Stray Cats) is a daring, innovative comic-romance fantasy, a parody which depicts love, sex, romance and loneliness in a way never before seen in Philippine cinema. It is fantasy incarnate all over: a battle of the sexes where this time around, the sexes are not just two but three.Mga Pusang Gala tells the story of parallel love lives : that of Marta,a middle age advertising practitioner; and that of her friend and duplex kasera (landlord), Boyet,a gay romance novelist, just as aging. These lives are punctuated by their waiting for the men who they think will fulfill their hopes and dreams. Boyet’s novels are inspired by Marta’s idiosyncratic anxieties for Steve, her non-committal boyfriend. Marta is tacitly envious of Boyet’s gathering of a “family” by adopting Jojo, a 15-year old pickpocket and Dom, his financially dependent lover. She had always hoped that Steve would eventually ask her to settle down and start a family of their own. Both are willing to play the stereotypical roles of woman and gay to embrace a hopeful fantasy. All of these hopes turn out to be illusions, however, and as their maturity of age sets in, they decide to take matters into their hands, in a riveting confrontation. What happens next is inevitable but unsettling. A delightfully painful film, at the same time that it is heartwarming.

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